Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: John 6:48-51

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John 6:48–51

From the Confessions: The Smalcald Articles 

Part III, Article VI. Of the Sacrament of the Altar.

Concerning the Sacrament of the Altar, we hold that the bread and wine in the Supper are the true body and blood of Christ. The Sacrament is administered and received not only by the godly, but also by wicked Christians.

Pulling It Together

It all falls on faith — not tradition, or in the case of these two sentences in the Smalcald Articles, not on piety, personal holiness, or the faithfulness of the minister. Is the Word present in the elements of bread and wine? Then it may be receieved, even if you are a sinner and being served by another sinner. Christ’s meal is not instituted on the so-called goodness of men, but on his word: “This is my body...this is my blood...” If this portioned word is received in faith, the devil himself may have administered it and it would have been the very grace of God.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of your body and blood. Amen.

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Learning About Baptism teaches the meaning of Holy Baptism according to the pattern of Luther's Small Catechism, and is recommended for the First Grade Level. Each week focuses on a specific Bible story which illustrates the theme, with additional references from Scripture and Luther's Small Catechism - Children's Version. Lessons focus on Baptism as a promise from God, emphasizing the power of God's Word in the Sacrament to create faith and repentance in our daily life.

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