The First Sunday after Christmas
A Sermon
Scripture Text: saiah 63:7-14; Psalm 111:1-10; Galatians 4:4-7; Matthew 2:13-23
Herod literally carried out the law’s punishment (Rom 6:23) by killing the newborns. But Christ fulfills the law itself, redeeming us by his own death so that we may live. Though we are not worthy of the redemption that God has purchased for us, we are expected to live up to our redemption. God expects us to be grown-ups who do not need to depend upon the law to manage our lives. We are to live through the Spirit of grace. It disappoints God when we do not do so. So as children of God, we must remember again and again his gracious mercy. How may we better do so than by partaking of the food of those who fear, love, and trust him? He has provided food so that his wondrous works may be remembered. In that holy meal forever his covenant is remembered forever.
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