Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:18–19

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1 Peter 1:18–19

From the Confessions: The Smalcald Articles – part 24

Part II, Article II: Of the Mass

The Mass must be considered as the greatest and most horrible abomination in the papacy, because it directly and powerfully conflicts with this chief article. It has been the principal and most specious of papal idolatries, above and before all others, for it is held that this sacrifice or work of the Mass (though it be offered by a wicked scoundrel) frees men from sins, both in this life and also in purgatory. Yet, only the Lamb of God can and must do this, as has been stated above. Nothing is to be surrendered or conceded in this article, because the first article does not allow it.

Pulling It Together: Jesus Christ paid the price for our sin. The blood of the perfect Lamb of God was the redemption price, liberating us from not only sin, but death and the devil to boot. This is not an act in a play, a drama to be reenacted by priests. For Christ laid down his life one time, a sufficient quantity for the life of a world (Heb 9:28).

Prayer: Thank you for my freedom, Lord. Amen.

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