Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: Proverbs 29:2

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Proverbs 29:2

From the Confessions: Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope 

And in what kind of instances did they abuse this power? Certainly not in punishing true offenses, but as concern violations of fasts or festivals, or similar trifles. They sometimes punished adulteries, yet often abusing and defaming innocent and honorable people. Besides, since this is a very serious wrong, no one should be condemned without due process of law.

Pulling It Together

The story of Haman in the Old Testament book of Esther may not be as well known as it should be. Haman was that sort of dishonorable civil official who purchases position and favor (Est 3:15). During the time of Queen Esther, he acted behind the scenes to rid the land of Jews. His obvious maneuvering of King Ahasuerus left the people bewildered. But national politics are not the only kind of affairs that exasperate good people. Church government, on both local and denominational levels, can make people groan under the gravity of unilateral rule.

Prayer: Give me your peace, Lord, during trying times. Amen.

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